Our Vision / Trustees /
Nourishing young growing minds
Belief Statements
We believe;
the Foundation’s value and longevity is linked to its ability to contribute to the evolution of society and its sustainable development
all genders should receive the same level and intensity of focus
the continuous search for improvement is what promotes the development of individuals, organisations and society
that all communities should be supported in the development and growth of their children
all parents should play an active and integral role in the development of their children
partnerships should be created on the basis of combining core strengths and expressing self interest upfront.
that nutrition is the cornerstone for a healthy body and healthy mind
nutrition programmes should be a fundamental component of the national education policy
all children should be given a fair chance to learn and develop
Our Values
Join the movement
Improving the lives of vulnerable school children and their surrounding communities by creating and implementing sustainable, scalable, and replicable nutrition and education enhancement programmes.