About /
Feedingpotential with integrity
The Tiger Brands Foundation (TBF) is a non-profit organisation dedicated to providing South African learners in vulnerable communities with a warm nutritious breakfast every school day.
Since its inception in 2011, TBF’s in-school breakfast programme which complements the lunch provided by the National School Nutrition Programme (NSNP) has proven to be one of the most efficient nutrition programmes in South Africa. The programme plays a crucial role in addressing the nutritional needs of leaners and promoting their overall well-being, by serving them a nutritious in-school breakfast.
Impact that goes Beyond the Meal
Seeking new partners, popularising a deeply developmental and empowering approach to social investment, and offering useful leadership, are interwoven aspects of the TBF strategy.

A Model For Change
The Tiger Brands Foundation was established for broad based community impact, and will be for the benefit of non-fee paying schools, vulnerable groups in society as well as projects that promote sustainable livelihoods in the areas in which such non-fee paying schools exist.
To achieve this vision, the Foundation established an in-school breakfast programme to complement the lunch provided by the Department of Basic Education – National Schools Nutrition Programme (NSNP). We work closely with the NSNP team in the selection of schools with strict criteria applied to each school prior to the in-school programme being implemented.
Nutrition Programmes
Working with partners to deliver and implement an in-school breakfast meal to learners, teachers and support staff which would serve as a complementary meal offering to the already existing National School Nutrition Programme.

Economic and Nutrition Literacy
Investing in and working collaboratively with partners who will develop and deliver economic and nutrition specific content that will be used to educate, skill and empower the targeted beneficiaries (learners, parents, communities, schools’ leadership teams, child-headed households)
School Leadership
Working with selected partners to deliver programmes that build and support school leadership to improve their professionalism, teaching abilities, and management of school resources, finances and government subsidies.

Community Well-Being
Working with partners to facilitate synergies between ongoing community development and selected programmes at beneficiary schools.
Tiger Brands Foundation sustains the strategic objectives as detailed in the Trust Deed. The Foundation will facilitate implementation with their partners to deliver the services and to leverage off those existing infrastructure and relationships to bring about an effective implementation of the programmes across schools throughout South Africa.

Help us strengthen our impact through a more responsive school nutrition strategy.
Join the movement
Improving the lives of vulnerable school children and their surrounding communities by creating and implementing sustainable, scalable, and replicable nutrition and education enhancement programmes.