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TBF's Breakfast Programme For Disadvantaged Schools

The Tiger Brands Foundation’s in-school breakfast programme provides a healthy, nutritious breakfast every school day to thousands of learners at disadvantaged schools across South Africa. Children are served Tiger Brands products for breakfast, which compare favourably with optimal levels of micronutrients as recommended by the World Health Organization and other scientific bodies.

Guideline daily amounts of each product are regularly assessed to limit non-essential nutrients in the meals. This helps to minimise the risk to vulnerable learners of developing lifestyle diseases.

Our in-school breakfasts consist of enriched sorghum-, maize- or oat-based porridges. Meals contribute positively to the daily nutritional requirements of the learners. Teachers and support staff also receive meals.

Learners’ dignity remains a key tenet of the programme. Breakfast is served in class while learners are seated, and each child is provided with cutlery and a placemat.

The programme is run in tandem with the National School Nutrition Programme (NSNP).

TBF Breakfast Programme: Impact And Evaluation

Ongoing research into the value, impact and methodology of the TBF in-school breakfast programme remains a strong focus for the Foundation. We constantly assess the impact of our programme on learner health and well-being, as well as educational performance.

Continuous monitoring and evaluation means that each phase of the programme is implemented with precision. Ongoing checks and balances allow us to track the programme’s performance and influence, from food procurement, distribution and storage, to preparation and hygiene.

Since 2011, the Tiger Brands Foundation has conducted six research reports; both the summary and full reports are available below.