The Foundation Partners with The Star Foundation to Offer 1.5 Million Meals to Learners at Risk

In a heartwarming and visionary collaboration, The Star Foundation (TSF) has teamed up with The Tiger
Brands Foundation (TBF) to bring a wave of transformation to Hazyview, Ehlanzeni district. This powerful
partnership is set to make a substantial and enduring impact by providing nutritious breakfast meals to at-
risk learners in vulnerable communities.

At the core of this endeavour is The Star Foundation’s adoption of TBF’s breakfast program model. It’s a
testament to their shared commitment to fostering a brighter future for learners in need. Over the span of
five years, this plan is designed to drive positive change by serving more than 1.5 million warm, nutritious in-
school breakfasts to 8 schools, benefitting over 7,500 vulnerable learners every school day.
However, this collaboration between TSF and TBF is about much more than just breakfast. It’s about
nurturing the potential of each vulnerable learner and catalysing transformative change in the lives of those
in greatest need.

The Foundation’s approach is grounded in an innovative in-school breakfast model, recognizing the pivotal
role of nutrition in education. The initiative aims to offer learners a nourishing breakfast every morning,
ensuring they start their day with the energy and focus needed for success.
The joint effort between TSF and TBF seeks to dismantle barriers to learning, enhance focus, and foster
holistic growth among learners by addressing the crucial issue of healthy nutrition in impoverished

This initiative, led by The Star Foundation, serves as a shining example of what is possible when
organizations join forces for a common cause. When organizations like TSF adopt The Foundation’s model,
the impact is amplified, leading to lasting returns on investment as lives are transformed.
This partnership is a reminder that positive change is attainable, and it flourishes when driven by a shared
vision and a dedication to making the world a better place. As The Star Foundation and The Tiger Brands
Foundation continue to work together, they offer not only meals but also hope, opportunity, and the promise
of a brighter future to the learners who need it most.